### 格式介绍
<target> : <prerequisites>
[tab] <commands>
- target: 自定义执行的命令
- prerequisites: 前置条件,执行 target 命令之前执行的命令
- commands: 具体执行的命令
- .PHONY: 伪指令,内置的关键字
- make 不带参数,默认执行第一个target
- `@`: 禁止回声,终端不会打印真实的执行命令
- `#`: 表示注释
- `${val}`: 表示变量
- 允许使用 通配符
### 规划 Makefile 要实现的功能
$ make help
Usage: make <TARGETS> <OPTIONS> ...
# 代码生成类命令
gen Generate all necessary files, such as error code files.
# 格式化类命令
format Gofmt (reformat) package sources (exclude vendor dir if existed).
# 静态代码检查
lint Check syntax and styling of go sources.
# 测试类命令
test Run unit test.
cover Run unit test and get test coverage.
# 构建类命令
build Build source code for host platform.
build.multiarch Build source code for multiple platforms. See option PLATFORMS.
# Docker镜像打包类命令
image Build docker images for host arch.
image.multiarch Build docker images for multiple platforms. See option PLATFORMS.
push Build docker images for host arch and push images to registry.
push.multiarch Build docker images for multiple platforms and push images to registry.
# 部署类命令
deploy Deploy updated components to development env.
# 清理类命令
clean Remove all files that are created by building.
# 其他命令,不同项目会有区别
release Release iam
verify-copyright Verify the boilerplate headers for all files.
ca Generate CA files for all iam components.
install Install iam system with all its components.
swagger Generate swagger document.
tools install dependent tools.
# 帮助命令
help Show this help info.
### 示例
## help: Show this help info.
.PHONY: help
help: Makefile
@echo -e "\nUsage: make <TARGETS> ...\n\nTargets:"
@sed -n 's/^##//p' $< | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /'
Go 编写Makefile